Ever since I was a little girl I have always found all living creatures amazing.
Especially the really odd looking ones. Today I am going to share some photos of strange looking insects I found while doing some backyard photography . It was mother’s day and I had some free time to myself. I grabbed my camera and decided to take some photos of aphids that were sucking the life out of my firecracker bush. The photos I took were pretty boring. Until I saw a caterpillar chilling among the little aphids. This spiny, green critter was a bit more photogenic but still not strange enough.
Asian Lady Beetle Phases of Life
Finally I saw something crawling around on the leaves that was orange and black with 6 legs. What a bizarre looking specimen. Close by on the same plant was another one but it had some pronounced spikes on its body. Not too far from spiny and 6 legged creature I found a hard looking orange blob with white and blue spines coming out from underneath. Did a little research on the internet and found that these three bugs will grow up to be an adult Asian Lady Beetle. In the photos below I documented the larval phase 3 (6 legged) & 5 (spiny) and the pupa stage (blob). It would have been awesome if I could have photographed the adult beetle but I ran out of time. Hope they feast on all those aphids.

Well you would have thought that would have been it for the strange insects I saw that day. You would be mistaking 🙂
Long-horned Beetle
I was showing my son the Asian Lady Beetle Pupa when he says “Mom, I saw an alien looking bug on the outside wall of our garage that you need to take a photo of”. “Say What?!”
I grabbed my camera and followed him outside. He was not kidding that I needed to take a photo of this beetle with the long antennas. He grabbed me a step ladder so I could get up real close. The whole time I am praying this bug does not jump on me. I did some research on the internet and found that this odd looking insect is a

I sure hope you enjoyed some of my backyard findings 🙂 It just goes to show that if you spend a little bit of time and really observe your surroundings you can find interesting subjects to photograph. You can check out my other yard findings at my previous blog backyard photography.
Until next time happy clicking!